Bartle Lane, Pedders Lane, Whinneyfield Lane, Victoria Road, Beech Grove, Winckley Square - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure)
(England) Order 2015 – NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 15
Proposed development at: Lawton House Farm, Bartle Lane, Preston, PR4 0RU
I give notice that: Mr & Mrs Christopher Taylor is applying to Preston City Council for the following planning permission: 14no. dwellings with garages, associated landscaping and creation of a new access off Bartle Lane (pursuant to 06/2022/0772 to seek variation of condition no.1 approved plans)
The application reference number is: 06/2023/1399
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure)
(England) Order 2015 – NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 15
The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Proposed development at: Ashton Park, Pedders Lane, Preston
I give notice that: Eric Wright Construction / Preston City Council is applying to Preston City Council for the following planning permission: Erection of a two storey Sports Hub with café and changing accommodation at ground floor and classrooms and offices at first floor; construction of a 3G pitch with 6no. 15m high floodlight columns and 4.5m high fencing; engineering operations to create 6no. level grassed pitches, 120no. space car park, new foot/cycleways within the park, junction improvements to Pedders Lane and widening of the internal access road with associated lighting; and landscaping following the demolition of the former pavilion building and ancillary structures
The application reference number is: 06/2023/1379
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure)
(England) Order 2015 - NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 15
The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Proposed development at: Cuckstool Farm, Whinneyfield Lane, Preston, PR4 0LL
I give notice that: Mr Laurence Gard is applying to Preston City Council for the following planning permission: Demolition of existing outbuilding and outdoor WC, internal and external alterations to dwelling including removal of render to gable ends and repair of brick work, window repairs, replacement of roof and dormer window, erection of glazed link and single storey extension comprising family room and garage/workshop together with proposed access from Whinneyfield Lane
The application reference number is: 06/2023/1384
Listed building consent for the demolition of existing outbuilding and outdoor WC, internal and external alterations to dwelling including removal of render to gable ends and repair of brick work, window repairs, replacement of roof and dormer window, erection of glazed link and single storey extension comprising family room and garage/workshop together with proposed access from Whinneyfield Lane
The application reference number is: 06/2023/1385
The proposed development affects a public right of way
The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Proposed development at: 132, Victoria Road, Preston, PR2 8NQ
I give notice that: Mrs Paula Patel is applying to Preston City Council for the following planning permission: First floor extension to side
The application reference number is: 06/2023/1272
The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Proposed development at:16, Beech Grove, Preston, PR2 1DX
I give notice that: Mr & Mrs Mike Fernando is applying to Preston City Council for the following planning permission: Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear extensions
The application reference number is: 06/2023/1320
The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE Winckley Square Conservation Area
Proposed development at: Lancashire House, 24 Winckley Square, Preston, PR1 3JJ
I give notice that: Eastside Property Limited is applying to Preston City Council for the following planning permission: Replacement doors and windows, internal alterations and mezzanine floors to second floor level
The application reference number is: 06/2023/1377
Members of the public may inspect the application, the plans and any other documents submitted with it on the Council’s website at
If you wish to make comments, you should do so within the statutory period of twenty one days from the date of this notice. You can comment on line via the link above; by e-mail to or in writing to the Planning Department, Preston City Council, Town Hall, Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 2RL
Any written representations received will be taken into account when the application is determined. They will also be made available for public inspection and this includes the applicant. In the event of an appeal any comments you make will be copied to the Planning Inspectorate, who may publish your comments on the internet. Please ensure you only provide information that you are happy to have made available to others.
If any of the above are household applications, in the event of an appeal against a refusal of planning permission, which is to be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage.
Please note: if the deadline for the submission of representations included on this notice is different to the deadline provided in a letter you have received from the Council in respect of this application, please use whichever date is later.
Signed Chris Hayward Director of Development and Housing
Date 12th January 2024
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