Gatekeepers Cottage, Lea Green Hall Car Park, Main Road - From a dwelling house to a residential institution
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure)
(England) Order 2015 & Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990
(as amended) NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 15(5)
Proposed Development at Gatekeepers Cottage, Lea Green Hall Car Park, Main Road, Lea, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 5GJ.
Ordnance Survey Grid Reference: 432481 (easting), 357390 (northing)
Application Code No: CD6/0923/29
I give notice that Derbyshire County Council (Property) is applying to Derbyshire County Council for planning permission for the renovation and conversion of Gatekeepers Cottage at Lea Green from a dwelling house (C3(a)) to a residential institution (C2) to provide emergency accommodation for children entering care in the Derbyshire area. Works include the associated external works involving a small extension to the existing car parking area, new fencing, the installation of a sprinkler tank and soft landscaping works.
Members of the public may inspect copies of the application, plans and other documents submitted with it by prior arrangement at Derbyshire County Council, County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3AG, tel. 01629 539800 (available online at, or at Amber Valley Borough Council Planning Department, Town Hall, Market Place, Ripley, DE5 3BT (available online at during all reasonable hours until 02 February 2024.
Anyone who wishes to make representations to the County Council about this application should do so by 02 February 2024,
by writing to the Executive Director of Place, at the County Council postal address given above,
by email to:,or
by using the facility for representations about current planning applications available on the Council’s website
Other Information:
The Council thinks that the development would affect the character or appearance of a conservation area which the land to which the application relates is in.
If you wish to comment on an application, please be aware that your comments can only be registered if accompanied by your name and full postal address. While your comments may be made publicly available, personal details will be redacted from any published information. To enable us to protect your right to be involved in the planning process, your details and comments will be retained according to our statutory obligations. Your details will only be used as necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest and not for any other purpose.
For further information on how Derbyshire County Council Planning Service processes personal data please see and search ‘GDPR’ or use the contact details provided above.
Signed: Chris Henning
Executive Director of Place
On behalf of Derbyshire County Council
11 January 2024.
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