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Chichester - Multiple Planning Notices

PO20 7NXPublished 11/01/24Expired
Sussex World • 

What is planned?


Town and Country Planning Acts 1990 • Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990 • NOTICE IS GIVEN of the following applications made to the Local Planning Authority, for one or more of the following reasons: Affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area; Does Not Accord with the Provisions of the Development Plan; Environmental Assessment; Involves a Listed Building; Major Development; Affects a Public Right of Way. 23/02132/DOM & 23/02133/LBC – Tayler - Sheepwash Cottage Ham Rd Sidlesham PO20 7NX - Proposed single storey extension & additional staircase. 23/02680/LBC & 23/02679/DOM - Mr & Mrs Newton - 18 Whyke Rd Chichester PO19 7AN - Window replacements. Elevational amendments, rear single/two-storey extensions along with internal structural & non-structural alterations. 23/02769/DOM - Mr Rees - 4 Saxon Meadow Tangmere PO20 2GA - 2 no. roof lights to North & South roof slopes of dwelling. One roof light to South slope of Garage roof. 23/02874/LBC - St Richards Church Cawley Rd Chichester PO19 1XB - Provision of additional safety railings to the flat roof & the replacement of the existing floor & window unit in the east wall of the upper & lower Parish rooms. SDNP/23/05244/HOUS & SDNP/23/05247/LIS - Stansted Park Foundation - Middle Lodge Broad Walk Stansted Park Stoughton Rowlands Castle PO9 6DU – Alterations, restoration, repair & refurbishment. SDNP/23/05046/LIS - Mr Garwood Burton House & Courtyard Management Company Ltd - Burton House Burton Park Rd Duncton GU28 0QU - External repair works to south facade. SDNP/23/05204/FUL & SDNP/23/05205/LIS - Mr Biggs The Edward James Foundation ltd - The Dower House Church Lane West Dean PO18 0QY - Repair storeroom to provide external access to accessible wc at dower house. SDNP/23/04590/HOUS & SDNP/23/04591/LIS - Mrs Quail - 1 The Clockhouse North St Midhurst GU29 9BZ - Replace ground floor bay window on west elevation. SDNP/23/05187/LIS – Maskell - Garden Cottage High Hamstead Lane Lurgashall GU28 9ET - Various internal & external (4 no. replacement windows to match existing, new patio bifold doors) alterations. SDNP/23/05172/HOUS & SDNP/23/05173/LIS - O'Brien & Mirrlees - Yew Tree Cottage Lower St Fittleworth RH20 1JE - Demolition of existing rear lean-to structures & erection of 2 storey & single storey rear extensions. Erection of single storey outbuilding as additional accommodation. Partial re-forming of store buildings inc new raised pitched roof & cladding to front elevation. Erection of greenhouse. Removal & alteration of modern internal studwork walling to alter current room layouts SDNP/23/04808/FUL - Mr Stanley - 3 Crossways Court Vann Rd Fernhurst Haslemere GU27 3EP - Change of use from Class E coffee shop only (as confirmed under SDNP/19/06150/FUL) to a more flexible Class E use, inc extension to trading hours of the premises. SDNP/23/05099/HOUS - Mr Rowley - The Ripples Graffham St Graffham GU28 0NL - Erection of garage. SDNP/23/05161/HOUS & SDNP/23/05163/LIS - Mr & Mrs Evans - Cotchet Farmhouse Cotchet Lane Lurgashall Haslemere GU27 3BS - New window/door openings & alterations to roof on ancillary building. New internal access to bat roof. SDNP/23/04853/LIS - Mr & Mrs Courtney - Gastons Farm Shillinglee Rd Shillinglee Northchapel GU8 4SX - Proposed side & rear extension following demolition of existing extension. SDNP/23/01820/HOUS – Phillips - 7 Hilltop Cemetery Lane Tillington GU28 9AQ - Single storey rear extension, replacement garage, new boundary fencing & gates. SDNP/23/05182/LIS - Lavant House Academy - Lavant House West Lavant Rd Lavant PO18 9AB - Removal of existing 1 no. window & replacement with 1 no. door, new ramp/stairs & replacement of all existing single glazing windows with slim profile insulated glazed units window. SDNP/23/05241/LIS - Mr Skillman Res Non Verba Ltd - The Swan Inn Lower St Fittleworth Pulborough RH20 1EL - Remedial works & rebuilding of 5 no. chimney stacks. Deadline for representations 1st February 2024. The applications & accompanying plans may be inspected by visiting the Council’s web site or at East Pallant House East Pallant Chichester PO19 1TY between 9am-4pm Monday-Friday. 23/02730/REM - Mr Laney - Land At Flat Farm Hambrook PO18 8FT - Approval of Reserved Matters Application following permission 20/03378/OUT, relating to appearance, landscaping, layout & scale for development comprising of 30 no. dwellings. Deadline for representations 25th January 2024. The applications & accompanying plans may be inspected by visiting the Council’s web site or at East Pallant House, East Pallant, Chichester, PO19 1TY between 9am-4pm Monday-Friday.

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