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Trow Lea - Change of use from public house to 3 no. dwellings

NE33 2JHPublished 22/11/23Expired
Shields Gazette • 

What is planned?

Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure)
(England) Order 2015

The Council has received applications: ST/0613/23/FUL for change of use from public house to 3 no. dwellings and detached dwelling at Mangos Waters Edge, Trow Lea, South Shields, NE33 2JH which affects the setting of
a listed building. ST/0652/23/FUL for single storey side/rear extension to provide lounge area to existing hotel. Convert roofspace to manager's flat with rear dormer and 2no. conservation rooflights to front roof slope at The
Old Rectory, Clayton Street, Jarrow, NE32 3JR which affects the setting of a listed building. ST/0740/23/LBC for replace existing bay window with similar at 4-5 Mansion House, West Boldon, NE36 0QW which is a listed building and which is within the West Boldon Conservation Area. Major planning application ST/0775/23/VC for
erection of 127 dwellings including a new vehicular access point from Lukes Lane, associated infrastructure and
landscaping (Application under Section 73 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 to vary conditions 2 and 20 of previously approved planning application ST/0882/21/FUL - removal of hedge alongside Lukes Lane to allow
for implementation of approved access details, pumping station position amended following the request of National Grid due to the proximity of the overhead cables & minor changes to layout for the betterment of design) at 1-128 (excl 13) Swan Close, Hebburn, , Land East of Lukes Lane, Hebburn, NE31 2BJ. The proposed development does not accord with the provisions of the development plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated. The proposed development would affect a right of way to
which Part 3 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (public rights of way) applies. The applications, plans and other submitted documents can be viewed online on the Council’s website or during normal office hours at the Customer Service Centre at the address below. If you wish to view a hard copy of the application and associated plans an appointment must be
made with the case officer dealing with the application. Representations to be made by 13/12/23 either online, by email to or in writing to Planning, Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Rd, South Shields NE33 2RL. Please note representations will be available in the public domain. To find out more about this, how you can speak at Planning Committee and for details on planning decision
makers, go to or contact Planning on 0191 4247421.

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