Cottage Farm Main Street - Town and Country Planning Notice
What is planned?
a) Variation of Condition 2 (materials), Condition 3 (joinery
details) and Condition 19 (approved plans) of planning
permission 19/03425/PLF (Conversion of redundant farm
buildings to create 3 dwellings and 1 holiday cottage with
associated works and infrastructure and retrospective
application for the temporary siting of a caravan) to
allow the use of uPVC windows instead of painted wood
windows at Cottage Farm Main Street Boynton YO16 4XJ
(Ref: 23/02973/VAR)
b) Variation of Condition 2 (amendments proposed to
Plots 5 - 15), Condition 3 (Plots 5 - 15 shall not be
first occupied until the works outlined in the ‘Method
Statement’) and Condition 26 (Plots 5 - 15 are not
completed) of planning permission 22/02653/STPLF -
Erection of 52 dwellings and associated infrastructure
(part retrospective) to allow re-wording of conditions at
Land North of Woodcock Road Flamborough YO15 1LJ
(Ref: 23/03239/STVAR)
c)Variation of condition 12 (Approved Plans) of planning
permission 10/01814/PLF (Conversion and alterations
to 2 no. existing farm buildings form 5 no. holiday
accommodation units (Revised scheme of planning
applications 06/03679/PLF and 06/03660/PLB)) to allow
change to the layout design and utilise loft space at
Ocean View Farm Lighthouse Road Flamborough
YO15 1AJ (Ref: 23/02965/VAR)
d) Erection of stables and a greenhouse following
demolition of existing garden store along with associated
works and infrastructure at Land to the Rear of Sewerby
Grange Sewerby Road Bridlington YO16 7BB
(Ref: 23/02929/PLF)
e) Erection of stables and a greenhouse following
demolition of existing garden store along with associated
works and infrastructure at Land to the Rear of Sewerby
Grange Sewerby Road Bridlington YO16 7BB
(Ref: 23/02930/PLB)
f) Erection of a dwelling with associated works and
infrastructure following outline permission 22/02585/
OUT (all matters to be considered) at Land West of
28 Trafalgar Crescent Bridlington YO15 3NR
(Ref: 23/03197/REM)
Proposal (f) is within a Conservation Area designated
under Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and
Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
Proposals (c,d,e) are Listed Buildings scheduled under
Section 1 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation
Areas) Act 1990.
Proposal (a) affects the setting of a Listed Building under
Section 1 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation
Areas) Act 1990.
Proposal (a) is a departure from the approved Development
Plan of the area.
Proposal (b) affects a public right of way.
Proposal (b) is a major development.
To view the application electronically or to check progress
logon to and
enter the application number.
You can make comments electronically using the feedback
option on the above website or by emailing
Guidance notes on making comments and the right to speak
are also available on the above website or on request.
If you have any comments or wish to lodge objections in
respect of the proposals these must be received by
7 December 2023. You can visit any of the council’s
libraries where facilities are available for you to view
planning applications. If you decide to visit the library, the
details of reference number, address and postcode set out
above will be required to enable you to view the application.
A member of the library staff will be able to assist you if
required. If, as a result of your visit, there are any questions
that have not been resolved, please contact Planning Office,
telephone (01482) 393647.
Please note by virtue of the provisions of the Local
Government Act 1972, anyone may be entitled to read and
obtain a copy of any representations you make.
Stephen Hunt • Director of Planning & Development Management
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