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Nepcote - Designation of Conservation Area

BN14Published 15/11/23Expired
Sussex World • 

What is planned?


NOTICE is hereby given that that the South Downs National Park Authority, in pursuance of its powers under section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, has determined that the area listed in the Schedule below is an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. The Authority has therefore designated Nepcote as a conservation area, which is to be known as Nepcote Conservation Area, at a meeting of the Planning Committee on 9 March 2023
The principal effects of the designation of a conservation area are as follows:
1. It preserves or enhances the character and appearance of the conservation area as an area of special architectural or historic interest and the Council is under a duty to formulate proposals for its preservation or enhancement.
2. In carrying out any functions under the Planning Acts in relation to conservation areas (and in particular determining applications for planning permission and listed building consent) the Council is under a duty to pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the areas.
3. Consent is required for the demolition of any building and may be needed for demolition of gates, fences, walls and railings. It is a criminal offence to carry out demolition in a conservation area without planning permission.
4. Consent is required for certain external works to dwelling houses which would otherwise be “permitted development” as defined in the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015.
5. Consent may be required for alterations, extensions or changes of use of shops, cafés, takeaways, financial services, offices etc.
6. Consent is required to carry out works to trees and six weeks’ notice in writing must be given to the Council before any works are carried out to a tree in a conservation area. It is a criminal offence to cut down, lop, top or uproot a tree in a conservation area without giving this written notice.
7. There are certain restrictions over the display of outdoor advertisements.
The properties included in the Nepcote Conservation Area are shown on a map which can be found on the National Park Authority’s website at:

Further information, including an appraisal of the conservation area and management plan can be found at:

Nepcote Conservation Area, including Nepcote Green, Cissbury house and Parkland, and a stretch of the adjoining lane known as Nepcote
May 2023

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