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Ipswich, Multiple Applications For Planning Permission

IP1 1AXPublished 07/11/23Expired
Ipswich Star • 

What is planned?


Applications requiring publicity, registered week ending 2nd November 2023.

This not a full list of applications received. Documentation for all applications may be viewed at Representations should be made online, or by emailing or by writing to Planning and Development, Grafton House, 15 -17 Russell Road, Ipswich IP1 2DE, by 28.11.2023. Representations will be published online. Our contact number is 01473 432913.

Full Planning Applications

IP/23/00838/FUL - Cardinal Park Grafton Way Erection of a substation, twelve ultra-rapid electric vehicle charge points and associated electrical infrastructure within the southern side of the car park at Cardinal Park. For: Osprey Charging Network

IP/23/00752/FUL - 422 Landseer Road Creation of dropped kerb vehicle access. For: Mr Jodie Madder

IP/23/00787/FUL - 1 Spring Road Erection of attached two-storey dwelling and alterations to existing dwelling (following demolition of existing storage building). For: Mr Shabeer Puthukkudi

IP/23/00852/FUL - Focus Apartments 45 Carr Street Removal and replacement of existing facing materials (cladding and opaque glass spandrel panels, render on EPS insulation and associated flashings, copings, and trims) with a non-combustible alternative system achieving min A2 (S1 DO) requirements. New render finish A2 (S1 DO) on A1 mineral wool insulation replacing EPS Render Rockpanel cladding panels A2 (S1 DO) replacing opaque glass spandrels. For: Grey GR Limited Partnership

IP/23/00845/FUL - 123 Penshurst Road Erection of parcel locker. For: InPost UK

IP/23/00841/FUL - 40 Hadleigh Road Erection of retail pod. For: Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd

IP/22/00995/FUL - The Railway Public House 243 Foxhall Road Erection of a two-storey side extension including shopfront, two-storey rear extension, and external fire escape. Re-rendering of the property including additional structural elements. Change of use to include 3 residential flats (C3) and retail use (E). Internal renovations and changes to the interior layout. For: Mr Yera Akinlade Protected Trees

IP/23/00851/CALF - 4 Alpe Street Works to trees: Robinia (T1)-fell. For: Mr Seb Mawson

IP/23/00853/CALF - Amenity Land 39 Park Road Works to trees: Pine (T1) - reduce up to 3m and lift above footpath and car park by 5m; Holly (T2) - fell; Prunus (T3) - reduce crown by 2m and lift above footpath by 3.5m. For: Mr Mark Humphrys

Listed Building and Conservation Area Proposals

IP/23/00843/LBC - 32 Berners Street Repairs to left hand side wall of building involving external stitch repairs to brickwork (approx 1 m2), removal and replacement of damaged cementitious render to ground level (approx 4m2), and internal stitch repairs to left hand side brickwork wall and chimney stack (approx 1 m2), removal and replacement of affected wall internal plaster, localised repairs to ceiling, redecoration of walls, joinery and ceiling and removal and reinstatement of radiator to enable above works. For: Mr Peter Finch

IP/23/00750/FUL - 6 Tacket Street Change of use of barber's shop storage areas (Use Class Ea) to tattoo parlour (Sui Generis). For: Mr Aziz K Pekal

James Mann MRTPI - Head of Planning and Development

Open to feedback





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