Park Road - demolition of existing dwelling
What is planned?
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
The Council has received applications: ST/0911/22/FUL for demolition of existing dwelling at Brisbane House, West Park Road, Cleadon, and erection of a replacement dwelling with detached garage. Application for relevant demolition of this unlisted building is being sought under application ref: ST/0925/22/RDCA at Brisbane House, West Park Road, Cleadon, SR6 7RR which is within the Cleadon Village Conservation Area. ST/0925/22/RDCA for application for relevant demolition of an unlisted building in a conservation area. Proposal is to demolish the existing dwelling at Brisbane House, West Park Road, Cleadon. Full planning
permission to build a replacement dwelling with detached garage is being sought under planning application ref: ST/0911/22/FUL at Brisbane House, West Park Road, Cleadon, SR6 7RR which is within the Cleadon Village Conservation Area. ST/0079/23/FUL for demolish existing building and re-build at 43 Whitburn Road, Cleadon, SR6 7QP which is within the Cleadon Village Conservation Area. ST/0525/23/LBC for Listed Building Consent for the removal of the garden store structure and making good the adjacent perimeter wall. at Souter Lighthouse, Coast Road, Whitburn, SR6 7NH which is a listed building. The applications, plans and other
submitted documents can be viewed online on the Council’s website or during normal office hours at the Customer Service Centre at the address below. If you wish to view a hard copy of the application and associated plans an appointment must be
made with the case officer dealing with the application. Representations to be made by 13/09/2023 either online, by email to or in writing to Planning, Town Hall and Civic
Offices, Westoe Rd, South Shields NE33 2RL. Please note representations will be available in the public domain. To find out more about this, how you can speak at Planning Committee and for details on planning decision makers, go to or contact Planning on 0191 4247421
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