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Mount Lane, Keel Square, Rowlandson Terrace, Roker Park Terrace, Downhill Lane - Various Planning Applications

SR1Published 22/08/23Expired
Sunderland Echo • 

What is planned?

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As amended) Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
Sections 67 and/or 73 and 74 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990

The Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992
The following will be determined under all/part of the above
23/01773/VAR - Land To The North Of Mount Lane Springwell NE9 7UQ. Esh Homes Ltd is applying to the Local Planning Authority for: Variation of Condition 2 attached to planning approval 20/01754/FUL (Residential development of 75 dwellings (Use Class C3) etc.), to amend approved scheme to add metal railings to turning heads of western boundary, add tarmac surface to footpaths and move position of garage to plot 60 by 400mm. The proposed development does not accord with the provisions of the Development Plan.
23/01748/FU4 - Unit 1 Holiday Inn Keel Square Sunderland SR1 3DS. New World Trading Company is applying to the Local Planning Authority for: Amendments to shopfront for the replacement of aluminium glazing and a French door with a bi-folding door. This relates to a proposal which affects the setting of various listed buildings which is included in the Statutory List of Buildings of Architectural or Historic Interest.
The above application relates to development on land/buildings owned by the Sunderland City Council.
23/01611/FUL - 13 Rowlandson Terrace Sunderland SR2 7SU. Mr Norman Vincent is applying to the Local Planning Authority for: Replacing roof (Retrospective).
23/01758/FUL - 17 Roker Park Terrace Sunderland SR6 9LY. Mr and Mrs Church is applying to the Local Planning Authority for: Rebuilding of front garden wall (Retrospective).
As the above two applications are householder applications, in the event of an appeal against a refusal of planning permission, which is to be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing, any representations made about this application will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at the appeal stage.
Copies of the applications and plans are available for inspection at City Hall, Plater Way, Sunderland, SR1 3AA, during normal office hours Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm please note this is a self-serve facility. Alternatively, you can make comment and view plans via the internet at within 21 days beginning with the date of publication of this notice. 
Town & Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 Regulation 30 Statement for permission ref. 21/02807/HE4
Hybrid planning application including demolition works, erection of industrial units (up to 168,000sqm) (Gross Internal Area) for light industrial, general industrial and storage & distribution uses (Class E(g)(iii), B2 and B8)) with ancillary office and research & development floorspace (Class E(g)(i) and E(g)(ii) with internal accesses, parking, service yards and landscaping, and associated infrastructure, earthworks, landscaping and all incidental works (Outline, All Matters Reserved); and dualling of the A1290 between the A19/A1290 Downhill Lane Junction and the southern access from International Drive, provision of new access road including a new bridge over the River Don, electricity sub-stations, pumping station, drainage, and associated infrastructure, earthworks, landscaping and all incidental works (Detailed). (Cross Boundary Planning Application with South Tyneside Council). (Amended and Additional Information received 4th and 8th November 2022 and 3rd April 2023).(Sunderland Administrative area only)
In accordance with Regulation 30(1)(a) (b) (c)and (d) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 the Council has informed the Secretary of State of the decision in writing, inform the consultation bodies in writing, public have been informed by way of local advertisement and place on the appropriate register.
In accordance with Regulation 29(2) (a) (b), this statement sets out the following:
2 (a) The right to challenge the validity of the decision and procedure to do so 2(b) (aa) the reasoned conclusion of the relevant planning authority or the Secretary of State, as the case may be, on the significant effects of the development on the environment, taking into account the results of the examination referred to in regulation 26(1)(a) and (b);
2 (b) (bb) any conditions to which the decision is subject which relate to the likely significant environmental effects of the development on the environment.
2 (b) (cc) a description of any features of the development and any measures envisaged in order to avoid, prevent, reduce and, if possible, offset, likely significant adverse effects on the environment; and 2(b) (dd) any monitoring measures considered appropriate by the relevant planning authority or the Secretary of State, as the case may be; or
Regulation 2 (a) – Information regarding the right to challenge the validity of the decision:-
The validity of the Council’s decision can be challenged by application to the Courts for Judicial Review. Further advice about making a High Court Challenge can be obtained from the Administrative Court at: The Royal Courts of Justice, Queen’s Bench Division, Strand, London, WC2 2LL – Telephone number: 0207 947 6655 – Website:

Regulation 29(2)(b)(aa) – The main reasons and considerations upon which the decision are based: The Planning Register’s “Committee Report” details the content of the decision whilst the “Decision Notice” details the conditions for approval.
Regulation 29 (2)(b)(i)(bb) - The content of the decision and any conditions attached thereto: The Planning Register’s “Committee Report” details the content of the decision whilst the “Decision Notice” details the conditions for approval.
Regulation 29(b)(i)(cc) – A description, where necessary, of the main measures to avoid, reduce and, if possible, offset the major adverse effects of the development: The Environmental Statements and supplementary information for 21/02807/HE4 included an assessment of the project in its own right whilst providing an understanding of likely significant effects on the environment in combination. The development has provided all the necessary mitigation required to provide a satisfactory form of development.
Regulation 29(b)(i)(dd) – Any monitoring measures considered appropriate by the relevant planning authority. Details in the content of the decision are set out in the committee report whilst the “Decision Notice” details the conditions for approval to ensure measure appropriate to provide a satisfactory form of development.
Information in respect of the planning application can be viewed at
Patrick Melia – Chief Executive 

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