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St Albans, Multiple Planning Notices

AL5 2LGPublished 03/08/23Expired
The Herts Advertiser • 

What is planned?

St Albans City & District Council


Town & Country Planning (Listed Buildings & Buildings in Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 (as amended) Regulation 5 A Development in a Conservation Area

5/2023/1136 Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) siting dwelling house by 1.1m further south of planning permission 5/2022/2338 dated 23/09/2022 for Demolition of existing and construction of a replacement dwelling and associated landscaping works at 42a West Common Harpenden

5/2023/1242 Alterations to rear ground floor openings, partial conversion of garage to habitable accommodation - AMENDED DESCRIPTION AND PLANS at 31 Haddon Court Milton Road Harpenden

5/2023/1441 Installation of retractable roof, extension of pitched roof with gable end, unblocking of second floor windows and installation of new windows at 6 Adelaide Street St Albans

5/2023/1509 Single storey rear and first floor rear extensions, insertion of rear dormer windows and front rooflights and alterations to openings at 49 Cowper Road Harpenden

5/2023/1516 Two storey rear extension, single storey rear and side extension and loft conversion to habitable accommodation with rooflights to enlarge the existing 4 self-contained flats at Lamb House 38 Frogmore St Albans

5/2023/1518 Construction of two detached dwellings with associated works at Rear of 50 Lemsford Road St Albans

5/2023/1560 Part two and single storey rear extension. Alterations to openings, at 47 Cowper Road Harpenden

5/2023/1562 Loft conversion including rear dormer and front roofughts. at 13 Granville Road St Albans

Town & Country Planning (Listed Buildings & Buildings in Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 fas amended) 2010 Regulation 5 Development affecting Listed Buildings

5/2023/1378 Listed Building consent - Internal alterations at The Veterinary Centre High Street Redbourn

To view plans and application forms and submit your comments see our website at: <>

You can also visit the Council Offices to view the application and documents at the Civic Centre St Peters Street St Albans Hertfordshire AL1 3JE Monday - Thursday 9.00am - 5.00pm and Friday 9.00am - 4.30pm.

Comments may be made in writing to the Development Management Team, quoting the reference number, not later than 26/08/2023 (23 days after publication date). Please note your correspondence will be available for inspection by the public and a redacted version (without signature, email or telephone number) will be published on the website. Any comments that you make about this proposal will be copied to the Planning Inspectorate in the event of an appeal and will also be published on their website. In the event of an appeal on a householder application (or a minor commercial or advertisement application, which is to be dealt with by written representations), any comments you have made will also be sent to the Planning Inspectorate but there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage.

The Council gives warning pursuant to its powers under Section 225 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, that it will remove or obliterate any sign/advertisement illegally displayed within the administrative boundaries of St Albans City & District Council.

The deadline date to call the application in to Committee is published on the weekly list on which the application appears. Please see <>

3rd August 2023

Amanda Foley Chief Executive

Open to feedback





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