Bassetlaw - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
Worksop Guardian
The following applications are being considered by the Council.
Parish: Norton Cuckney
Applicant: Mr Darren Ridout
Proposal: Change of Use From Dwellinghouse (C3) to Guest House (C1) Including Minor Alterations to Fabric, Proposed Car Parking, Access Improvements, Solar Panels, Plant Room (Energy Centre). Repairs and Maintenance of Existing Listed Building.
Location: Cuckney House,Langwith Road, Cuckney
Reference No: 23/00581/COU
Reason for Advert: The application site is within a conservation area and within the setting of a listed building
Parish: Norton Cuckney
Applicant: Mr Darren Ridout
Proposal: Change of Use From Dwellinghouse (C3) to Guest House (C1) Including Minor Alterations to Fabric, Proposed Car Parking, Access Improvements, Solar Panels, Plant Room (Energy Centre). Repairs of Existing Listed Building.
Location: Cuckney House, Langwith Road, Cuckney
Reference No: 23/00582/LBA
Reason for Advert: The application is being advertised for the following reason (s): This application seeks listed building consent for alteration of a listed building.
Parish: Worksop
Applicant: Whitworth Holdings Ltd
Proposal: Proposed Installation of a New Maize Mill Within the Existing Building and Associated Works Including the Removal of a Redundant Social Club to Provide a Separate Staff Car Park and Area for Contractors, the Conversion of an Existing Garage to Provide Maintenance Workshop and Office Space, Internal Refurbishment of Main Office, Conversion of Test Bakery and Meeting Room to a Technical Centre and Temporary Use of Vacant Land to the East of the Site as a Contractors Compound During the Construction Works.
Location: Albion Mills, Eastgate, Worksop
Reference No: 23/00641/FUL
Reason for Advert: The application site is within a Conservation Area and, if permitted, the proposed development could affect the character and appearance of the Area.
Parish: Carlton In Lindrick & Costhorpe
Applicant: Mr Alan Russell
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for New Clay Pan Tile Roof
Location: North House Farm, The Green, Carlton In Lindrick
Reference No: 23/00652/LBA
Reason for Advert: This application seeks listed building consent for alteration of a listed building.
Copies of submitted drawings and documents may be inspected on the Council’s Public Access website at or at Queen's Buildings, Potter Street, Worksop, between the hours of 9:00am and 4:30pm, Mondays to Fridays.
Any person who wishes to comment about any application described above should do so: via Public Access, by emailing or in writing to the Head of Regeneration. To
guarantee that they will be considered by the Council, comments must be received no later than 14 July 2023. All comments made on planning applications will be made available for public inspection and copying.
In addition, if there is an appeal against the Council's decision, copies of all comments received will be sent to the Planning Inspectorate and to the applicant.
Dated this 23 June 2023
Ms B Alderton-Sambrook, Head of Regeneration Service, Bassetlaw District Council, Queen's Buildings, Potter Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 2AH.
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