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Land South Of Model Village - relating to the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of residential development

S80 4JFPublished 23/06/23Expired
Worksop Guardian • 

What is planned?

Bolsover District Council

Any comments on the following application should be made within 21 days.
Notice is hereby given that Bolsover District Council has received details of the following proposal:
Application No: 23/00263/REM
Application Type: Application for Reserved Matters
Proposal: Application for the approval of matters reserved by outline planning permission 18/00087/OUT relating to the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of residential development and associated works, including the discharge of conditions 9 (Drainage Hierarchy), 13 (Construction Management), 15 (Ground Contamination), 17 (Colliery Road Works) and 24 (Piling Works and ground waters).
Location: Land South Of Model Village
Applicant: HarperCrewe
The proposed development affects the setting of a listed building, and/or the character or appearance of a conservation area. The proposed development also affects a public right of way. A copy of the proposal, including the plans and other documents submitted with it, may be inspected on the Councils public web site If you are unable to view online please contact 01246 242424. Anyone who wishes to make comments about this proposal, please send them via the application pages on the web site or by email to or in writing to the Planning Department, The Arc, High Street, Clowne, Derbyshire, S43 4JY quoting the application number. All correspondence should be received by the Council within the period specified above which begins with the date of this notice. All correspondence received will be made available for inspection by the applicant and the public and will be posted to the website, and will remain available for public inspection for 4 years after the decision has been made.
Planning Manager
Date: 23rd June 2023

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