The Street, Clayton Hill - Various Planning Applications
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning Acts 1990
Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area)
Act 1990
NOTICE IS GIVEN that the following applications are proposals for planning consideration within the South Downs National Park, for the reasons indicated:
Fulking Parish Council
Case No: SDNP/23/02336/LIS Applicant Name: Mr and Mrs Stace
Proposal: General conservation and repair works. Structural repairs to gable end. External and internal alterations including replacement of modern fenestration, lowering of ground floor level and cleaning of historic timbers and masonry. Minor landscape works. AT Customary Cottage , The Street, Fulking, West Sussex, BN5 9LU
Reason for advert: Listed Building
Hassocks Parish Council
Case No: SDNP/23/02315/LIS Applicant Name: Chloe Blain
Proposal: Restoration of Jack and Duncton mills into serviceable state for use as private ancillary accommodation with functioning utility services, and to construct an adjacent underground garage AT Jack Windmill , Clayton Hill, Clayton, West Sussex, BN6 9PG
Reason for advert: Listed Building
Poynings Parish Council
Case No: SDNP/23/02398/FUL Applicant Name: Mr M Poyntz
Proposal: Removal of existing window to north elevation and replacement with new roller shutter door in enlarged opening. Roller door to match, existing. Remove of existing door and replacement with new Steel Security Door (colour-white). AT Aviation House , The Street, Poynings, West Sussex, BN45 7AQ
Reason for advert: Conservation Area
Deadline for comments: 13 July 2023
TIM SLANEY, Director of Planning, South Downs National Park Authority
TIM SLANEY, Director of Planning, South Downs National Park Authority
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