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Peterborough - Multiple Planning Notices

PE1 1HJPublished 22/06/23Expired
Peterborough Telegraph • 

What is planned?



Listed Building Application(s) affecting the character or appearance of a Conservation Area: Ref: 23/00728/LBC Peterborough Internal refurbishment and redecoration; installation of new external signage 3 Bridge Street Peterborough PE1 1HJ •

Planning Application(s) affecting the character or appearance of a Conservation Area: Ref: 23/00752/HHFUL Maxey Single storey rear extension and loft conversion. Endenholme 24 West End Road Maxey Peterborough • Ref: 23/00758/FUL Peterborough Change of use from use class C1 (Hotel) to Sui Generis (Co-living accommodation) 73 Broadway Peterborough PE1 1SY • Ref: 23/00764/FUL Peterborough Change of use from A2 (financial and professional services) to Class E (b) sale of food/drink on premises and Class E (d) indoor recreations 33 - 35 Cowgate Peterborough PE1 1LZ • Ref: 23/00293/FUL Peterborough Addition of single storey extension to the rear, to provide a shisha lounge 2 Burghley Road Peterborough PE1 2QB Ref: 23/00784/FUL Eye Erection of 2no. detached bungalows Land Between 24 & 26 Back Lane Eye Peterborough PE67TA •

Environmental Statement Subsequent Application: An application has been made to Peterborough City Council that relates to a subsequent application where the original application for planning permission was accompanied by an Environmental Statement. Ref: 23/00734/REM by Rebecca Smith Vistry Homes East Midlands on 13/06/2023 Peterborough Land To The North Of Norman Cross London Road Peterborough • The Environmental Statement relevant to this application was submitted as part of outline planning permission (ref 09/01368/OUT)

Development which does not accord with the County Structure Plan/Peterborough Local Plan: Ref: 23/00488/FUL Helpston Erection of 2no. detached dwellings with associated hard and soft landscaping 16 Heath Road Helpston Peterborough PE6 7EG •

Development which affects a Right of Way to which Part III of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 applies: Ref: 23/00423/FUL Peterborough Conversion of Whitworth Mill to 3no. Class E units at ground floor with 18 flats above, and erection of44 flats in 3blocks, straightening of river edge and associated works Plots 7 and 8 Fletton Quays Peterborough PE2 8TZ •

Major Development: Ref: 23/00423/FUL Peterborough Conversion of Whitworth Mill to 3no. Class E units at ground floor with 18 flats above, and erection of 44 flats in 3 blocks, straightening of river edge and associated works Plots 7 And 8 Fletton Quays Peterborough PE28TZ • Ref: 23/00734/REM Peterborough Reserved matters application for the approval of layout, appearance, landscaping and scale for new public open spaces, play area, playing fields and allotments pursuant to condition 1 of outline planning permission 09/01368/OUT (part-retrospective) Land To The North Of Norman Cross London Road Peterborough •

The applications may be inspected online at Comments should besubmitted no later than 21 days from publication date – please see the Council’s website on how to comment. ARTICLE 4(1) DIRECTION 2023- 1073 Lincoln Road, Peterborough, PE4 6AR,

This Direction is made under article 4(1) of the said Order and, in accordance with paragraphs 2(5) and 2(6) of Schedule 3, shall remain in force until 22nd of November and shall then expire unless it has been confirmed by PCC in accordance with paragraphs1(9)and1(10) of Schedule3before the end of the six-month period

The effect of the Direction shall be to require a planning application to be made to Peterborough City Council, for development within Part1(development within the curtilage of a dwelling house) of Schedule 2 and any building operation consisting of the demolition of a building, being development comprised within Part11 Class B (demolition) of Schedule 2 to the said Order and not being development comprised within any other Class.

You can view a paper copy of the documentation during office hours (9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday) at Sand Martin House, Bittern Way, Peterborough PE2 8TY. Comments can be submitted via the web site at Alternatively, you can email your comments to

The consultation is running from Friday 16th June until Friday 14th of July 2023. Late representations may not be accepted.

Open to feedback





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