London Borough of Southwark, Multiple planning applications - 15/6/23
What is planned?
The planning applications listed below can be viewed on the planning register at You can use facilities at your local library or 'My Southwark Service Points' to access the website. How to comment on this application: You should submit your comments via the above link. Comments received will be made available for public viewing on the website. All personal information will be removed except your postal address. Online comments submitted without an email address will not be acknowledged and those marked 'confidential' will not be considered. Written comments can be submitted to; Southwark Council, Chief executive's department, Planning division, Development Management, PO Box 64529, London SE1 5LX. Reason for publicity. The applications are advertised for the reasons identified by the following codes: AFFECT - development affecting character or appearance of a nearby conservation area; OR development affecting setting of a nearby listed building(s); DEP - departure from the development plan; EIA - environmental impact assessment (these applications are accompanied by an environmental statement a copy of which may be obtained from the Council - there will be a charge for the copy); MAJ - major planning application; STDCA - development within a conservation area; STDLB - works to or within the site of a listed building;
FLAT 7 24 MARSHALSEA ROAD LONDON SOUTHWARK SE1 1HF (Ref: 23/AP/1462) Construction of a single-storey roof level extension with terrace to form duplex accommodation. (Within: Liberty of the Mint CA) Reason(s) for publicity: STDCA (Contact: Agneta Kabele 07548097486)
SOUTH LONDON SCOUT CENTRE GRANGE LANE LONDON SOUTHWARK SE21 7LH (Ref: 23/AP/1029) The erection of a single storey prefabricated building for use as a new centralised centre and County Services Hub. (Within: Dulwich Wood CA) Reason(s) for publicity: DEP (Contact: Glenn Ruane 020 7525 5447)
2 - 4 BEDALE STREET LONDON SOUTHWARK SE1 9AL (Ref: 23/AP/1513) Proposed alterations to the existing ducts and installation of new condensers and extracts and new louvre to the rear facade. (Within: Borough High Street CA) Reason(s) for publicity: STDCA (Contact: Anna Poulose )
303 CARDAMOM BUILDING 31 SHAD THAMES LONDON SOUTHWARK SE1 2YR (Ref: 23/AP/1489) Listed Building Consent: Internal alterations to stud partitions to reconfigure spaces, refit of bathroom and kitchen and associated decoration and joinery. (Within: Tower Bridge CA) Reason(s) for publicity: STDLB (Contact: Eleanor Heagney 020 7525 5403)
38 CARVER ROAD LONDON SOUTHWARK SE24 9LT (Ref: 23/AP/1574) Prior approval notification for the change of use from Commercial, Business and Service (Use Class E) to Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) to provide two flats under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) - Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA. Reason(s) for publicity: AFFECT (Contact: Hajnalka Kurti 020 7525 3701)
2 GALLERY ROAD LONDON SOUTHWARK SE21 7AB (Ref: 23/AP/1604) Proposed conversion of a Class C2 boarding house to Class C3 accommodation and erection of new Class C3 dwellings, alongside associated landscaping (Within: Dulwich Village CA) Reason(s) for publicity: STDLB (Contact: Tracy Chapman 020 7525 1948)
11 ALLISON GROVE LONDON SOUTHWARK SE21 7ER (Ref: 23/AP/1539) Conversion of the existing integrated garage into living accommodation. Conversion of a semi covered side access passageway into a fully integrated utility and storage room with tiled roof and rooflight over. Replacement of all external windows and doors throughout, including a bay window to the rear elevation. A raised stepped terrace directly to the rear of the property, 600mm high from garden level. (Within: Dulwich Village CA) Reason(s) for publicity: STDCA (Contact: Michelle Meskell )
9 COLNBROOK STREET LONDON SOUTHWARK SE1 6EZ (Ref: 23/AP/1542) Retrospective Listed Building-Repair of the roof using like for like slate and lead to the original specifications. (Within: West Square CA) Reason(s) for publicity: STDLB (Contact: Athena Hylton-Thompson 020 7525 2161) Dated: 13 Jun 2023 - comments to be received within 21 days of this date.
STEPHEN PLATTS - Director of Planning and Growth
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