Lancashire - Re-submission of planning permission
What is planned?
I give notice that the Council has received the following application for planning permission which is within the Fleetwood Conservation Area: Application Number: 23/00172/FUL Proposal: Proposed two storey extension and internal alterations to provide additional motorcycle sales, repair and ancillary storage space (re-submission of planning permission 22/01080/FUL) Location: Raceways Motorcycle Centre, 46 - 60 Dock Street, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FY7 6AG Applicant: Raceways Motorcycles Ltd. Plans and supporting information are available on our website at: (using the above planning application numbers) or by appointment at the Civic Centre in Poulton (during office hours). You can comment on undecided planning applications at Representations on the above applications should be made by 29th March 2023 as, after this date, the Council is entitled to make a decision on the application. Written comments will be available for inspection by interested parties on our website. For further information on how to comment on applications and on how decisions are made please visit our website
Head of Planning Services
Tel: (01253) 891000
Date: 8th March 2023
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