Leamington Spa and Warwick Area - Planning Applications Various
What is planned?
ACT 1990 - SECTIONS 67 AND 73
Comments or representations can be made online,
emailed to planningenquiries@warwickdc.gov.uk
or sent to the address below within 14 days of this
advert. All representations received will be displayed
on the Council’s website.
Date: 03/03/2023
Warwick District Council, Development Services,
Riverside House, Milverton Hill, Royal Leamington Spa,
Warwickshire, CV32 5QH Tel: (01926) 456536
Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Warwick
District Council for Listed Building Consent or Conservation Area Consent
and/or planning permission in respect of applications scheduled below.
W/22/1959 Hampton Hill Farm, Littleworth Road, Budbrooke, Warwick, CV35
8HB: Conversion of building to a dwellinghouse and erection of a replacement
brick extension for Wyatt Family Partnership.
W/23/0079 44-46 Parade & 60-62 Warwick Street, Leamington Spa, CV32
4DD: Change of use of part ground and first floors and all of the second and
third floors from retail use to residential use and formation of eight 1 bedroom
apartments with associated internal and external works to enable the proposed
conversion. for Foster Property Holdings Limited.
W/23/0080/LB 44-46 Parade & 60-62 WarwickStreet, Leamington Spa, CV32
4DD: Listed Building Consent for change of use of part ground and first floors
and all of the second and third floors from retail use to residential use and
formation of eight 1 bedroom apartments with associated internal and external
works to enable the proposed conversion. for Foster Property Holdings
W/23/0156 6 Lillington Avenue, Leamington Spa, CV32 5UJ: Proposed works
comprising three storey rear extension, formation of front and rear lightwells
and internal reconfiguration of existing 7no. one-bed flats to create 2no. three-
bed, 4no. two-bed and 3no. one bed apartments for a total of 17 bedrooms
(resubmission of W/22/1575). for Lillington Estates.
W/23/0184 7 Bedford Street, Leamington Spa, CV32 5DY: Demolition of
existing single storey retail unit and erection of proposed new building to provide
replacement retail space at ground floor and first floor with 3no. commercial units
over (Use Class E). for BPN Architects.
W/23/0199 152 Trinity Street, Leamington Spa, CV32 5GY: Planning permission
is sought for the erection of front and rear dormer windows, new garage doors,
and an EV charging point. for Mr Nicholas.
W/23/0206/LB 47A Lansdowne Crescent, Leamington Spa, CV32 4PR: Internal
works to the Ground and Lower Ground floors to retain area as single flat.
Proposal is a regularisation of scheme not in compliance with W/17/1429/LB,
which previously approved conversion of area into two flats and was initiated but
not completed. for J Plummer.
W/23/0207/LB Flat 1 & 3, 2 Bertie Terrace/Flat 2, 5 Bertie Terrace, Leamington
Spa, CV32 5BL: Minor internal alterations to existing apartments including: -
Creation of a new opening between the kitchen and the living area for Flat 1
No.2. - Creating a new opening between the kitchen and dining area, creating a
new partition between the kitchen and store, and creating a new shower room
between the bedrooms for Flat 3 No.2. - Creating a new partition between the
bedroom and lounge, and between the ensuite and hallway, and a new opening
between the ensuite and bedroom 3 in Flat 2 No.5 for Orbit Group.
W/23/0244/LB Pump Rooms, Parade, Leamington Spa, CV32 4AA: To install a
life saving defibrillator. for Warwick District Council.
W/23/0151 Priory Medical Centre, Priory Road, Warwick, CV34 4NA: Installation
of a 24 hour prescription collection machine and associated advertisement for
Avicenna Holdings Ltd..
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