Chichester - Multiple Planning Notices
What is planned?
Town and Country Planning Acts 1990 • Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990 • NOTICE IS GIVEN of the following applications made to the Local Planning Authority, for one or more of the following reasons: Affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area; Does Not Accord with the Provisions of the Development Plan; Environmental Assessment; Involves a Listed Building; Major Development; Affects a Public Right of Way. 23/00286/LBC – Mrs Stevenson-Hamilton - 17 St Johns Street Chichester PO19 1UU - Proposed installation of a stairlift. 23/00312/LBC - Mr Bowring - 56 Fishbourne Rd West Fishbourne PO19 3JL - Installation of 14 no. solar panels (7 no. solar panels to east & west roof elevations) on existing outbuilding. 23/00162/DOM - Ms Umotong - 19 Basin Rd Chichester PO19 8PY - Loft conversion. 23/00203/FUL - ART FOR ALL - 2 Richmond House Church Sq Chichester PO19 7LJ - Installation of 2 no. new external awnings: change in colour to shop frontage with signage to awning valance. SDNP/23/00405/LIS - Mr & Mrs Bonham Carter - Kent House Kent House Lane East Harting GU31 5LS - Internal & external alterations to listed building.Deadline for representations 23rd March 2023. The applications and accompanying plans may be inspected by visiting the Council’s web site or at East Pallant House, East Pallant, Chichester, PO19 1TY between 9am-4pm Monday to Friday.
How long will it take?
Planned start
Estimated end
Open to feedback
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