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Wauchope Forest, in the Scottish Borders - Consultation for proposed Millmoor Rig Wind Farm

TD9 8THPublished 12/01/23Expired
The Southern Reporter • 

What is planned?


ESB invites you to public information events for its proposed
Millmoor Rig Wind Farm
The purpose of these additional information events is to present our developed plans following submission of a Section 36 application for consent to Scottish Ministers in November 2022 for Millmoor Rig Wind Farm, which is located at Wauchope Forest, south of Chesters in the Scottish Borders.
Utilising the natural environment to harness clean, zero carbon energy, the Millmoor Rig Wind Farm project will, if consented, support local construction jobs and employment during its operation; offer community benefit and shared ownership opportunities; and support the long- term management of the forest in which it is located.

Public Information Events
Southdean Village Hall, Southdean, TD9 8TH
Wednesday 18th January 2023, 2pm – 7pm

William Laidlaw Memorial Hall, Bonchester Bridge, Hobkirk Road, TD9 8RJ
Thursday 19th January 2023, 2pm - 7pm

Online Information
Comprehensive information about the site proposals and all application documents are also available on the project website.

For more information about the Millmoor Rig Wind Farm project, please contact: Jessica Yanetta, ESB Asset Development UK Ltd at
If you wish to make a formal representation this should be made to the Scottish Ministers: [insert link]. Consultation is open until Tuesday 31st January 2023, however representations may still be accepted after this time.
Thank you and we hope you can attend the information events.

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