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Dangstein Road, Rogate - Continued use of land for forestry and woodland management

GU31 5BZPublished 12/01/23Expired
Sussex World • 

What is planned?

Town and Country Planning Acts 1990
Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area)
Act 1990

NOTICE IS GIVEN that the following applications are proposals for planning consideration within the South Downs National Park, for the reasons indicated:
Rogate Parish Council

Site Address: Dangstein, Laundry Cottage , Dangstein Road, Rogate, West Sussex, GU31 5BZ
Applicant Name: Mr Paddy Cox
Case No: SDNP/22/05605/FUL
Proposal: The continued use of land for forestry and woodland management, and use of land for
recreation, education for life long learning and tourism. The provision of 4 camping pitches and the erection of 4 overnight shelters, a community shelter, composting toilet and washroom. Replacement visitor parking area and new footpath between proposed parking area and facilities.
The continued of use of land at Rogate for the Elfwoods Community as set out in Planning Appeal
APP/Y9507/W/18/3194790, seeking permanent permission to continue its community benefit programmes.
Reason for advert: Major Development

Related documents may be viewed and commented on at:
Comments to be received no later than 02 February 2023

TIM SLANEY, Director of Planning, South Downs National Park Authority
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