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Dinton, Aylesbury, Turville, Haddenham - Various Planning Applications

HP19 8FFPublished 11/01/23Expired
Bucks Herald • 

What is planned?

Buckinghamshire Council

has received the following applications

Buckinghamshire Council

has received the following applications, which can be viewed via the internet or online at our offices during normal office hours. Comments can be made online at within 21 days. We publish every comment we receive on our website.

Listed Building within a CA - 22/03882/ALB & 22/03881/APP - WESTLINGTON FARM STARS LANE DINTON - Conversion of garage to residential dwelling with associated landscaping and access
22/03904/ALB & 22/03903/APP - LAND AT REAR OF ST OSYTHS PARSONS FEE AYLESBURY - Householder application for erection of metal garden gates
22/04140/ALB - THE SMITHY 43 HIGH STREET LONG CRENDON - Listed building application for demolition of internal partition wall. Relocation of entry door.
23/00011/ALB - MANOR FARM 1 WORLDS END LANE WESTON TURVILLE - Listed building application for internal alterations for relocation of kitchen
23/00019/ALB & 23/00018/APP - THE MANOR HOUSE CHURCH WALK WESTON TURVILLE – Listed building application repair to retaining wall. Installation of flue liners. Replacement rainwater goods.
Replacement casement windows
22/04189/APP - 13 CHURCHWAY HADDENHAM - Householder application for replacement of garage roof to steeper pitch compatible with natural slate covering
22/04267/ALB - GRAFTON HOUSE STOWE SCHOOL STOWE PARK STOWE - Listed building application for refurbishment to Grafton House
22/04316/ALB - WESLEY COTTAGE MAIN STREET PADBURY - Listed building application for repairs to roof structure and walls, removal of cement render and replace with lime render, like-for-like replacement of side window, and formalisation of replacement of modern rear extension window with French Doors.
22/04325/ALB - WINSLOW HALL SHEEP STREET WINSLOW - Listed building application for repairs to front garden wall including brick replacement, Helifix bars stitch repairs and re-pointing
22/04143/ALB - 19 MARKET SQUARE BUCKINGHAM - Listed building application for alterations to existing building to allow for change of use of first and second floors to provide 5 residential units and changes at ground floor to allow for access, waste and cycle storage
Major Development adjoining a CA - 22/04320/VRC - LAND AT DOLLICOTT PADDOCK DOLLICOTT HADDENHAM - Variation of condition 8 (landscape and ecology management plan) and removal of condition 18 (cycle storage) relating to application 16/00047/APP (Erection of 10 No. two storey houses contained within 3 No. terraces, with car parking, refuse storage and landscaping works. (Amended scheme with revised access))
Major Development - 18/03136/APP - LAND ADJOINING NEWMANS CLOSE NORTH MARSTON LANE WHITCHURCH - Erection of 22 dwellings and associated works (part retrospective) (Amended Plans / Information received)
22/03563/VRC - SILVERSTONE PARK, UNIT 1504, SILVERSTONE MOTOR RACING CIRCUIT SILVERSTONE ROAD BIDDLESDEN - Variation of condition 1 (Approved plans) attached to planning permission 18/04234/ADP (Application for reserved matters pursuant to outline permission
16/02745/AOP for layout, scale, external appearance, the access, and the landscaping of the site) required alterations to the facility to suit tenant use of the building
Setting LB and ROW - 22/04240/APP - THE SPINNEY BURGESS LANE FORD - Householder application for conversion of existing garage into ancillary residential accommodation
22/04155/APP - ARDENVIEW PITCHCOTT ROAD OVING - Erection of retaining garden wall and vehicular access / gates / walls (Retrospective)
Within the Conservation Area - 23/00037/VRC - ROSE BARN GIBRALTAR DINTON - Variation of Condition 3 (no enlargement to the dwelling can be made without express permission authorised by the approval), 5 (Parking and manoeuvring scheme) and 10 (Approved drawings) attached to planning permission 21/04866/APP (Demolition of an existing builders yard and its associated building, demolition of ancillary structures, erection of 2 dwellings and provision of landscaping and associated works) to change submitted plans and parking arrangement for plot 2 to include a single garage with attractive parapet/coping roof
22/03810/APP - 1 CANDLEFORD COURT BUCKINGHAM - Conversion of existing retail space to Community Space Hub
22/04164/APP - 4 CHARLTON CLOSE SWANBOURNE - Householder application for single storey extension to south elevation, single storey extension to west elevation and alterations to existing fenestration.
Listed Building - 22/04205/ALB & 22/04204/APP - 67 CHURCHWAY HADDENHAM - Listed building for demolition of existing conservatory, erection of first floor extension, single storey rear extension and new door opening and widening existing opening
22/04180/ALB & 22/04179/APP - CHESTNUT FARMHOUSE 1 WORMINGHALL ROAD ICKFORD – Listed building application for single storey rear extension and replacement of 5no timber windows and front door
Conservation Area and Affect PRW - 22/04289/APP - 12 BILWELL LONG CRENDON – Householder application to increase roof height and 2no North-West facing dormers and 2no South-east facing dormers. Loft conversion. Single storey rear extension. Demolition and erection of replacement garage/utility.
Adjoining a Conservation Area - 23/00033/APP - 4 MEADOWAY STONE - Householder application for erection of outbuilding/summerhouse
22/04233/APP - TOTAL GARAGE HIGH STREET WINSLOW - Extension to existing service station shop
Affects the Setting of a LB - 23/00006/APP - 28 CLIFDEN ROAD WORMINGHALL – Householder application for erection of a carport
LB within a CA and Affects a Public ROW - 22/04310/ALB & 22/04309/APP - WHITNEYS BOX COTTAGE CHURCH STREET MAIDS MORETON BUCKINGHAMSHIRE MK18 1QE - Listed building single storey front and rear extensions
Affects a Public Right of Way - 22/04074/APP - CLUAINCARA MANOR HOUSE LANE LILLINGSTONE LOVELL - Change of use of land for a mixed use of agriculture and equestrian, associated hardstanding and construction of access and driveway (Part retrospective)
Major devt affecting PROW - 22/04319/VRC - LAND ADJACENT TO LECKHAMPSTEAD ROAD AKELEY - Variation of Condition 18 (footpath material) relating to 20/02433/APP to allow for a revised garage design to plots 1, 3 & 5 (Erection of five detached dwellings, and associated garaging, parking and amenity space, served off two new private drives, a replacement access for existing stabling/paddocks and the widening of Leckhampstead Road to also incorporate a new footpath (Revised re-submission of 18/03471/APP and APP/J0405/W/19/3237395).
LB Affect PRW - 22/04287/ALB - LENBOROUGH MANOR FARMHOUSE LENBOROUGH ROAD GAWCOTT - Listed building application for external and internal alterations and repairs
Affects the Setting of a LB within a CA - 22/04274/APP - GOTHIC TEMPLE STOWE PARK DADFORD ROAD STOWE - Excavation and construction of drainage field/soakaway with outfall drain from existing septic tank
Adj. CA and Affects Public ROW - 22/04158/APP - THE OLD PIGGERY THE COMMON PRESTON BISSETT - Proposed single detached dwelling with associated landscaping and detached garage and cycle store.

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