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North Northamptonshire Council Various Planning Applications

NN8Published 05/01/23Expired
Northamptonshire Telegraph • 

What is planned?


The following applications have been submitted for planning permission
and Notice is hereby given under:-
Section 73 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990:-
NW/22/00886/FUL - Change the use of the upper floors of the building to residential, refurbish the listed frontage building and partial demolition of later rear extensions to enable extension and provide modern, fit-for-purpose accommodation for retail (Class E) on the ground floor and apartment dwelling on the first floor. Retention and modification of rear stable building to form a mews style property at 3 Burystead Place, Wellingborough,NN8 1AH.
The Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Regulations
NW/22/00887/LBC - Listed building consent to change the use of the upper floors of the building to residential, refurbish the listed frontage building and partial demolition of later rear extensions to enable extension and provide modern, fit-for-purpose accommodation for retail (Class E) on the ground floor and apartment dwelling on the first floor. Retention and modification of rear stable building to form a mews style property at 3 Burystead Place, Wellingborough, NN8 1AH.
The applications may be viewed on the website until 29.01.2023
Any representations relating to the application should be received by the undersigned at Swanspool House, Doddington Road, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN8 1BP by that date. Please be aware that all comments are available for public inspection. If you intend to provide information that could be sensitive or breach your data protection rights, please contact us for further advice before proceeding. Prior to submitting your comments please read our privacy notice at
for details on how your data is used.
George Candler
Executive Director
Place and Economy

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