Kinkell Farm, Lennoxtown - Pre-Application Consultation
What is happening?
Section 36 and 37 of the Electricity Act 1989
SMS invites the public to take part in the consultation of the proposed Kinkell BESS development on land at Kinkell Farm, Lennoxtown, Glasgow, G66 7NW.
We will be holding our first public event from 3pm – 6pm on Wednesday 27th November in the Lesser Hall at Campsie Memorial Hall, Main Street 2, Lennoxtown, G66 7HA.
We would like to invite you to attend our pre-application consultation event so you can learn more about the project and we can hear your views on the proposal.
For further information, or if you are unable to attend the consultation event but would still like to provide comment, please visit the project website at or call 07875630 118 or send an email to Alternatively you can write to: Kinkell Development Team, Prennau House Copse Walk, Cardiff Gate Business Park, Pontprennau, Cardiff, CF23 8XH.
All comments should be received no later than Friday 20th December 2024. For information, we will be holding a second event early in 2025. Details will be advertised nearer the time.
Please note that any comments made to the prospective applicant are not representations to the Scottish Ministers and when the prospective applicant submits a planning application there will be an opportunity to make direct representations to the Scottish Ministers.
Need to publish a public notice?
If you need to publish a public notice, please contact Glasgow World directly at: