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Members' Allowances Scheme For North Yorkshire Council 2025/26

DL7 8ADPublished 18/11/24Expired
Yorkshire Post • 

What is happening?

North Yorkshire Council, Notice, Members' Allowances Scheme For North Yorkshire Council 2025/26 This Notice is published in accordance with the Local Authorities (Members' Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003

At its meeting on 13/11/24, North Yorkshire Council considered its Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2025/26, to be effective from 01/04/25. In considering the Members’ Allowances Scheme, Council Members had regard to recommendations from an Independent Remuneration Panel in accordance with Regulation 19 of the 2003 Regulations.The scheme will be reviewed from time to time by the Panel & will have effect until further amendment or revocation by the Council. The effect of the Panel's recommendations are as follows: (a) A basic allowance for all Members of the Council of £17,340, a 2% increase over the 2024-25 allowance of £17,000. (b) Special responsibility allowances to be paid to certain Members of the Council as follows: Chair of the Council - £12,385; Vice Chair of the Council - £4,108; Leader of the Council - £40,447; Deputy Leader - £21,588; Other Executive Members - £19,945; Chair of Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee - £11,273; Chairs of other Overview & Scrutiny Committees, Area Committees, Appeals Committee & Pension Fund Committee - £5,637; Chair of Strategic Planning Committee - £7,110; Chair of Audit Committee - £4,864; Chair of Standards & Governance Committee - £4,509; Chair of General Licensing & Registration Committee - £4,010; Chairs of Area Planning Committees - £3,891; Chair of Statutory Licensing Committee - £3,570; Vice-Chair of Strategic Planning Committee - £2,184; Vice-Chairs of Overview & Scrutiny Committees, Area Committees, Development Plan Committee, Statutory Licensing Committee & General Licensing & Registration Committee & Champions for Young People, Older People & Climate Change - £1,879; Vice-chairs of Area Planning Committees - £1,485; Vice-Chair of Appeals Committee - £939; Chairs of Statutory Licensing Sub- Committees & General Licensing & Registration Sub Committees - £100 per meeting & members of those committees £75 per meeting, subject to a maximum per person per year of £750, & excluding Members who already receive an allowance as Chair of Statutory Licensing Committee or General Licensing & Registration Committee; Leaders of Political Groups: (2nd eligible party in group membership) - £6,957, (3rd eligible group in party membership) - £3,598; Secretaries of Political Groups: (1st party in group membership) - £2,818, (2nd eligible party in group membership) - £1,879, (3rd eligible party in group membership) - £939. (c) Special responsibility allowance to be paid to Chair of the Police, Fire & Crime Panel - £7,110; Vice Chair of the Police, Fire & Crime Panel – £2,184; Members & Community Members of the Police, Fire & Crime Panel - £920. (d) Independent Persons for Standards - £939; Chair of Pension Board - £3,182. (e) That travel & subsistence rates continue to be linked to rates for Council staff. However, the North Yorkshire Council mileage rate should always be in line with the HMRC mileage rate (f) That in all other respects, the details of the current North Yorkshire Council Members’ Allowances Scheme remain the same. Copies of the Members’ Allowances Scheme & the record of payments made under it are available for inspection by members of the public, during office hours, at the principal office of the Council at the address below, or on the Council’s website at Richard Flinton, Chief Executive Officer, North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Racecourse Lane, Northallerton, DL7 8AD

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