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Derbyshire - Member Allowance Scheme

DE5 3BTPublished 24/10/24Expired
Derbyshire Times • 

What is happening?

Amber Valley Borough Council have undertaken a review of the Member Allowance Scheme which have been reviewed by an Independent Renumeration Panel.

The summary of the recommendations received are as follows.
Basic Allowance for All Member - £5,870
Additional Special Responsibility Allowance:
 Leader of the Council - £17,610
 Deputy Leader of the Council - £9,686
 Cabinet/Executive Members - £6,164
 Chair of Planning Committee - £4,843
 Members of Planning Committee - £881 (half of this sum is only paid if the
member attends 100% of training provided for planning members)
 Chair of Improvement & Scrutiny Committee - £3,522
 Chair of Licensing Committee - £2,642
 Chair of Governance & Audit Committee - £2,642
 Chair of Standards & Appeals Committee - £2,201
 Chair of Environment & Bio-Diversity Committee - £2,201
 Chair of Council - £1,761
 Main Opposition Group Leader - £4,403
 Leader Green Group Leader - £2,000 (£400 per Councillor)
 Leader of Belper Independents (£400 per Councillor)
Non-Special Responsibility Allowances:
 Mayor - £4,200
 Deputy Mayor - £1,100
Other recommendation:
 The Amber Valley BC Members’ Allowances scheme confirms only one
Special Responsibility Allowance can be claim per member
 Members cannot claim Subsistence Allowances for attending in-borough
 Members can claim Subsistence Allowances for attending approved duties
outside the Borough at the same rate that applies to staff.
 Travel Allowance cannot be claim for travel within the Borough
 Millage allowance can be claim for journeys outside the Borough at HMRC
 Dependents Carers Allowance for Childcare paid at National Living Wage
 Dependant’s Allowance for Elder/Disabled Care paid at median hourly rate
charged by Derbyshire County Council Social Services Department for a
Home Care Assistant
Non-Members Allowances
 Co-optees’ Allowance is maintained at - £410
 Independent Person Allowance - £1,365
Discontinuance of Allowance
 Payment for Surgery Room Hire
 Internet Allowance
Confirming Indexation
That the Amber Valley Borough Council Members Allowances are indexed as follows:
 Basic Allowance, Special Responsibility Allowance, Co-optees’ and Civic
Allowances and the remuneration of the Independent Person indexed to the
annual percentage salary increase for local government staff set at SCP 43 to be applied for the same year that applies to staff
 Subsistence Allowance indexed to the same rates that apply to staff
 Travel Allowance – Mileage Rates indexed to HMRC approved mileage rates for motor, hybrid and electric vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles
 Dependants’ Carers’ Allowance Childcare element indexed to the ’national
living wage’ hourly rate
 Dependants’ Carers’ Allowance for Elderly or Other Dependant Relatives
element indexed to median hourly rate charged for a Home Care Assistant by Derbyshire County Council Social Services Department Indices apply for the maximum length permitted by the 2003 Regulations namely four
years and to run from start of 2024/25 municipal year until the end of the 2027/28 municipal year.
Implementation of Recommendations
That all the recommendations contained in this report should be implemented from the date of the Council’s Annual Meeting on 22 nd May 2024 with the exception of the following recommendations:
The adopted from the date of the Council Annual Meeting on 21st May 2025 - Revised Special Responsibility Allowance for Leaders of the Minor Opposition Groups .

The discontinuation of the Members Room Hire Fund is discontinued from the date the new scheme is adopted and the allowances scheme is amended to specifically contain a provision that their Basic Allowance covers the cost for Members to hire meeting rooms.

Special Responsibility Allowance to be paid from the date Committee was
established (25th September 2024):

 Chair of Environment and Bio-diversity Scrutiny Committee

Full copies of the report are available to view at reception of the Amber Valley Borough Council, Town Hall, Market Place, Derbyshire, DE5 3BT between the hours of 10am – 4pm Monday to Friday and on the Council’s website.

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