Pateley Bridge Methodist Church, Ripon Road - Notice of Hearing Wildlife & Countryside
What is happening?
North Yorkshire Council, Notice of Hearing Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981
Notice is hereby given that an Inspector will be appointed by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs to determine North Yorkshire Council (Former West Riding of Yorkshire) Bridleway No.
15.29/78 & Restricted Byway 15.29/79 Heyshaw to Lanes Foot Road, Dacre, DMMO 2020 & will attend at: Pateley Bridge Methodist Church, Ripon Road, Pateley Bridge, HG3 5NL on 08/10/24 at 10.00am to hold a hearing into the Order. The effect of the Order, if confirmed without modifications, will be to modify the definitive map & statement for the area by upgrading footpath no 15.29/42 to a public bridleway between GR SE 1728 6183 & GR SE 1804 6167 & to a restricted byway between GR SE 1804 6167 & GR SE 1821 6144; & upgrading public bridleway no. 15.29/79 to a restricted byway between GR SE 1821 6144 & GR SE 1835 6123. Any person wishing to view the statements of case & other documents relating to this Order may do so by appointment at Pateley Library, Station Square, King Street, Pateley Bridge, HG3 5AT. Please contact Bethan Brown on or 01609 798797. Planning Inspectorate Reference: ROW/3284255. Contact point at the Planning Inspectorate: Zoe McPhail, Rights of Way Section, Room 3/A, Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN. Tel: 0303 444 5481 Email:
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