The Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Project - Notice Of Consultation On A Proposed Change
What is happening?
An application for an order granting development consent has been made under section 37 of the Planning Act 2008 by Gatwick Airport Limited (‘Applicant’), whose registered office is at 5th Floor, Destinations Place, Gatwick Airport, Gatwick, West Sussex, RH6 0NP, to the Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Secretary of State) (the "Application"). The Application was made on 06 July 2023 and accepted for examination by the Planning Inspectorate on 03 August 2023 (Application Reference: TR020005). An Examining Authority was appointed on 15 August 2023 to examine the Application. After the Examination has closed, the Examining Authority will submit a report to the Secretary of State who will then make the decision on whether or not to grant the development consent order.
Summary of the Project
The Project proposes to reposition the existing northern runway at London Gatwick Airport ("Gatwick Airport") which, along with lifting the current restrictions on its use, would enable dual runway operations. The Project includes airfield enhancement works and the development of a range of infrastructure and facilities to accommodate an increase in aircraft movements and airport passenger numbers, together with surface access elements to provide additional processing capability and improved airport access. Land is proposed as part of the Project to be used to mitigate environmental effects (for example, for habitat creation, flood compensation or provision of recreational routes and public open space).
As an overview, the Project includes the following key components;
repositioning of the existing northern runway 12 metres north (measured from the centreline of the existing northern runway);
airfield works including repositioning of existing and the construction of new taxiways, aircraft stands and an access track between the two runways;
works to airfield support facilities including constructing a new pier, constructing and reconfiguring of aircraft stands, works to power facilities and relocating the fire training ground and the Central Area Recycling Enclosure facility;
extensions to the existing airport terminals (north and south);
works to existing and construction of new hotels and offices;
works to existing and construction of new car parks;
surface access improvements including active travel improvements and works to the M23 spur, the A23 London Road, Longbridge roundabout and the terminal roundabouts and forecourts;
water treatment works, and surface water and foul water improvements;
environmental mitigation works including establishing habitat enhancement areas, food compensation areas and areas of replacement open space.
The Project will also seek authorisation for the compulsory acquisition of land and interests in land, the acquisition of rights and imposition of restrictive covenants and statutory authority to override easements and other rights and private rights of way.
The Project is a nationally significant infrastructure project ("NSIP") for the purposes of the Planning Act 2008 ("the 2008 Act") under sections 14(1)(i) of the 2008 Act, and 23(1)(b), (4), (5) and (6) of the 2008 Act, and the proposed works to highways which would comprise part of the Project are classified as an NSIP under sections 14(1)(h) and 22(1)(b), (3) and (4) of the 2008 Act.
The Project is located on land within and adjacent to Gatwick Airport. A map showing the location of the Project can be viewed online on the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway page of the Planning Inspectorate’s National Infrastructure Planning website at:
Environmental Impact Assessment
The Project is an EIA development, as defined by the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. An Environmental Statement was submitted with the Application (Examination Library refs. APP-026 to APP-217) pursuant to the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017.
Copies of the Application
The Application, including the Environmental Statement, together with the Application form and its accompanying documents, drawings, plans and maps, are available for inspection free of charge on the webpage relating to the Application on the Planning Inspectorate’s website under the ‘Documents’ tab: These documents will be available to view on the website for at least the duration of the Examination.
Details of the development consent process and how to participate are set out in the Planning Inspectorate’s ‘Advice Note Eight: Overview of the nationally significant infrastructure planning process for members of the public and others’, which is available to view free of charge at:
Proposed Change to the Application
On 7 May 2024, the Applicant notified the Planning Inspectorate of a fourth proposed change to the Application ("Project Change 4"). The requested change is explained in the Second Notification Report available on the London Gatwick website.
Provision of an on-airport Wastewater Treatment Works
The Applicant is proposing a revision to the Project’s wastewater strategy to provide an on-airport Wastewater Treatment Works facility, located within the existing Self-Park North Car Park and resulting increase in the number of car parking spaces to be accommodated in the proposed North Terminal Long Stay Car Park. This bespoke facility would provide London Gatwick Airport with the ability to deal on-site with all foul flows arising from the Project in addition to the whole airport following the implementation of the Northern Runway Project, should capacity constraints exist elsewhere. All facilities would be fully covered with roofs and full details can be viewed on the London Gatwick website
Consultation on Proposed Changes
Before seeking approval from the Examining Authority to make a change to the Application (Project Change 4), the Applicant is undertaking consultation on the proposed change. A Consultation Newsletter has been prepared to describe the change and explain why the change is being proposed. The Consultation Newsletter will be available to view free of charge from 14 May 2024 at:
Copies of the Consultation Newsletter can be sent to you upon request in hard copy (free of charge though reasonable postage charges may apply). To make a request, please use the Applicant's contact details below.
Responding to this Consultation on Project Change 4
If you would like to respond to this consultation, the Applicant's preference is that you complete the online feedback form, containing a series of questions about the proposed change, which will be available between 14 May 2024 and by no later than 23:59 on 11 June 2024 at:
Alternatively, you can send your comments on Project Change 4 by email to or by post to Northern Runway Project Team, Destinations Place, South Terminal Gatwick Airport, West Sussex, RH6 0NP.
Completed response forms and comments about Project Change 4 must be received by the Applicant by no later than 23:59 on 11 June 2024. Any responses received by the Applicant will subsequently be provided by the Applicant to the Planning Inspectorate who may publish these responses on its website at:
The Applicant's Contact Details
If you have any enquiries about the proposed change, the Consultation Document and any other matters covered in this notice, you may contact the Applicant
by email at or by phone on 01293 505 265.
Any details you provide to the Applicant via telephone or e-mail will be subject to its privacy policy linked here: and will be treated confidentially and processed and handled in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation.
Need to publish a public notice?
If you need to publish a public notice, please contact Sussex World directly at: