Morecambe Road - Prescribed Alteration To Morecambe Road School
What is happening?
Morecambe Road School
Notice is given in accordance with section 19(1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 that Lancashire County Council intends to make a prescribed alteration to Morecambe Road School, Morecambe Road, Lancaster, Morecambe, LA3 3AB from September 2024.
Morecambe Road School is a special school for pupils with generic learning difficulties, aged 3-16. The proposal is to increase the number of special school places available up to 213. This proposal will take effect from September 2024.
This Notice is an extract from the complete proposal. Copies of the complete proposal can be obtained from the school or Local Authority Inclusion Service via email: or telephone: 01772 531597 or accessed via the Local Authority website: consultations.
Within 5 weeks from the date of publication of this proposal, any person may object to or make comments on the proposal by sending them to Business Intelligence, Lancashire County Council, PO Box 100, County Hall, Preston PR1 0LD. Representations must be received by 12 June 2024.
Signed: Laura Sales, Director of Corporate Services
Publication Date: 8 May 2024
Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, information about representations to the published proposal may be accessed by members of the public.
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