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Sunderland City Area - Member Allowance Notices

SR1 3AAPublished 22/04/24Expired
Sunderland Echo • 

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Sunderland City Council
This Notice is published in accordance with the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003

At its meeting on 20 March 2024 the Council considered recommendations from its Independent Remuneration Panel in respect of the Allowances Scheme for 2024/2025. The Panel recommended that no change be made to the terms of the Scheme at this time. The main provisions of the Scheme adopted for 2024/2025 are summarised below.     

Type of Allowance
Amount per annum £
Basic Allowance
Special Responsibility Allowances

Leader of the Council
Deputy Leader of the Council
Cabinet Secretary
Cabinet Member with Portfolio
Deputy Cabinet Member
Leader of the Majority Group in Opposition - allowance calculated as a percentage of Leader’s SRA, up to maximum of 25%.

Leader of the second largest Group in Opposition – allowance calculated as a percentage of the Majority Opposition Group Leader’s allowance, up to a maximum of 50%
Chair of the following:

Scrutiny Co-ordinating Committee
Thematic Scrutiny Committee
Area Committee
Licensing and Regulatory Committee
Planning and Highways Committee

Vice Chair of the following:

Area Committee
Scrutiny Co-ordinating Committee
Licensing and Regulatory Committee
Planning and Highways Committee

Co-optees’ Allowances

Audit and Governance Committee

Independent member

Mayoral Allowance
Deputy Mayoral

Carer’s allowance
Actual expenditure up to a maximum of the equivalent of the current National Living Wage or National Minimum Wage hourly rate, as appropriate, dependent upon the age of the worker. The rate applicable shall be subject to automatic increases in line with uprating of the Adult National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage.

Travel Allowances (for elected members and co-optees)

Motor Cycle allowance
24p per mile
Bicycle Allowance
20p per mile
Car Allowance
45p per mile for first 10,000 mile and 25p thereafter
Passenger Supplement 5p per mile for the passenger (not exceeding 4)

The above rates match His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs authorised mileage rates and will be updated when HMRC publishes revised allowances

Subsistence Allowances (for elected members and co-optees)
In the case of absence from the usual place of residence for a continuous period which exceeds 4 hours but does not involve an overnight absence, subsistence is payable as per the table set out below:
Breakfast Allowance
Lunch Allowance
Tea Allowance
Evening Meal Allowance

Overnight Accommodation

The allowance will not be claimable as an allowance as such, rather reasonable costs of an overnight stay (including breakfast) will be met for business class accommodation (3 star or 4 star) within and outside of London. Unless there are exceptional circumstances the Council will book the accommodation direct selecting the most economic option available and utilising the established procurement arrangements in place. Where exceptional circumstances exist, these will be approved in advance by the Director of Finance and reasonable costs will be reimbursed subject to submission of receipts.

Grant payable for Use of Rooms or Halls for Ward Surgeries
£15 maximum per occasion

Telephone Calls Allowance
£15 per quarter

Broadband – actual costs to be reimbursed up to a maximum of £15 per month with a contribution from each Member of £3 per month where private use is made of the facility.

Copies of the Panel’s report can be inspected at City Hall, Plater Way, Sunderland SR1 3AA (the Council’s principal office) during office hours and can also be viewed on the Council’s website
Copies are available free of charge.

The Council is required to make available the amounts paid to each Councillor in respect of certain allowances for the previous year. The figures for the year 2023/2024 will be available for inspection at City Hall and on the Council’s website by 1 May 2024.

Patrick Melia
Chief Executive
Sunderland City Council 22 April 2024

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