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Forth Ports Limited Central Dock Road - For the Port of Leith Approach Channel Deepening

EH6 4SYPublished 23/02/24Expired
Edinburgh News • 

What is happening?

Forth Ports Limited

Notice is hereby given that Forth Ports Limited, registered under company registration SC134741 at Carron House, Central Dock Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8TY, has applied to the Scottish Ministers to vary marine licence numbers MS-00009818 and MS-00009819 granted on 22 December 2022 under section 20 of the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 for the Port of Leith Approach Channel Deepening at Firth of Forth with a total area of approximately 578,230 m2 (central latitude and longitude co-ordinate: 55.99814N -3.19400W (WGS84)). The applications seek to make the following variations to the marine licences:
Deepening of the approach channel and outer berth pocket with additional dredged material to be deposited at the Narrow Deep B offshore deposit site
Installation of a retaining wall at the toe of the eastern breakwater.
Copies of the application’s including plans detailing the location, together with a copy of the EIA report discussing Forth Ports Limited proposed works in more detail and presenting an analysis of the environmental implications, are available for inspection, free of charge at: Leith Library, 28-30 Ferry Road, EH6 4AE; Monday-Wednesday 10am-8pm and Thursday-Saturday 10am-5pm.
The EIA report can also be viewed online at and Copies of the EIA report can also be obtained from Forth Ports Limited
(tel: 01324 668400) at a charge of £150 hard copy and £25 on USB stick (including post and packaging). Copies of a short non-technical summary are available free of charge.
Any representations should be made in writing to the Scottish Ministers by email to: or by post to Marine Directorate - Licensing Operations Team, Scottish Government, 375 Victoria Road, Aberdeen, AB11 9DB, identifying the proposed works and specifying grounds for the representation, not later than 24th March 2024. The Scottish Ministers may however consider representations received after this date. Representations should be dated and clearly state the name (in block capitals) and the email or postal address of those making the representation.
Subsequent submission by Forth Ports Limited of additional information (as defined in the above EIA Regulations) to the Scottish Ministers will be publicised in a similar manner to the current application including publication on the above websites. Representations relative to additional information should be made on the same basis as detailed above.
Having considered the applications and the above legislation together with any representations received the Scottish Ministers may:-
grant marine licences with or without conditions attached; or
refuse the applications.
Fair Processing Notice
The Scottish Government’s Marine Directorate - Licensing Operations Team (“MD-LOT”) determines applications for marine licences under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010. During the consultation process any person having an interest in the outcome of the application may make a representation to MD-LOT. The representation may contain personal information, for example a name or address. This representation will only be used for the purpose of determining an application and will be stored securely in the Scottish Government’s official corporate record. Representations will be shared with the applicant and/or agent acting on behalf of the applicant, any people or organisations that we consult in relation to the application and, where necessary, be published online, however personal information will be removed before sharing or publishing.
A full privacy notice can be found at: If you are unable to access this, or you have any queries or concerns about how your personal information will be handled, contact MD-LOT at: or Marine Directorate – Licensing Operations Team, Scottish Government, 375 Victoria Road, Aberdeen, AB11 9DB.

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