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Lancaster area - Councillors’ Allowances Scheme

LA1 1PJPublished 22/02/24Expired
Lancaster Guardian • 

What is happening?

Lancaster City Council publication of the Councillors’ Allowances Scheme 2024/2025:
Local Authorities (Members' Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003
A Councillors’ Allowances Scheme has been agreed for 5 April 2024 until 30 April 2025.

On 24/01/2024 Councillors agreed, on recommendation from the Independent Remuneration Panel, that the basic
allowance be increased by 3%.
The scheme allows for carer’s allowances and travel and subsistence on approved duties in addition to the basic allowance of £4,326 per annum and the following special responsibility allowances:
Leader of the Council - £11,619.64,
Deputy Leader - £6,860.42,
Opposition Leader(s) - a total sum of £5,809.82 (to be divided between opposition leaders of groups of more than four
Councillors, who are not represented on Cabinet),
Cabinet Member - £5,809.82,
Overview and Scrutiny Committee chair - £4,354.74,
Budget and Performance Panel chair - £3,482.74,
Planning Regulatory Committee chair and Licensing Committee chair - £4,501.82 each,
Licensing Sub-Committee chairs - £457.01 each,
People and Organisational Development Committee chair - £3,435.46,
Audit Committee chair - £2,395.27,
Standards Committee chair - £1,271.23 and
Council Business Committee chair - £1,470.84,
Appeals Committee - £304.67
Member Champions - £1,000 maximum (to be
divided between Champions to a cap of £257.50
each per Champion).
The full Councillors’ Allowances Scheme may be viewed in Part 5 of the Council’s Constitution on
the City Council’s website
Senior Manager, Democratic Support and Elections, Lancaster City Council.

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