Land Directly To North Of Carseview Road, Forfar - Public Engagement Event On The Draft Proposals For A Battery Storage Facility
What is happening?
Vital Energi invite you to attend the public engagement event
on the draft proposals for a battery storage facility (c. 49.9MW) located on land directly to north of Carseview Road, Forfar, DD8 3BT, and located within Angus Council’s authority area boundary.
The event will be held as follows:
Tuesday 16 th January 2024
4pm to 8pm
Forfar Athletic Football Club,
Station Park, 10 Carseview Road, Forfar, DD8 3BT
Anyone wishing to make comments relating to the proposals, or wishing to obtain further information, may do so by emailing
Information about the project can also be found at the dedicated project website:
Please note that comments made to the
project team are not representations made to Angus Council. There will be the opportunity to make direct representations to Angus Council’s Planning Services when the planning application is submitted.
Need to publish a public notice?
If you need to publish a public notice, please contact Angus County World directly at: