Lancashire County Council - Consultation On School Admission Arrangements And Co-ordinated Schemes – 2025/26 Relevant Area For 2026/27, 2027/28 And 2028/29 Admissions
What is happening?
Consultation on school admission arrangements and co-ordinated schemes – 2025/26 Relevant Area for 2026/27, 2027/28 and 2028/29 admissions
We are consulting with parents and the local community to make sure our admission arrangements meet future needs.
To find out if any changes are proposed for schools and sixth forms in your area, visit, contact the Pupil Access Team on 01772 531676 or email
We would like to draw your attention to the proposed changes to our oversubscription criteria for 2025, we are consulting upon the inclusion of Children of Staff and Children of Armed Forces Personnel within the County's admission arrangements.
It is important that we have your feedback by Friday 22 December 2023.
Own admission authority schools and academies are also consulting on admission arrangements for September 2025. Proposed arrangements may be obtained direct from each school. Views should be forwarded to the relevant Governing Body by the closing date.
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