Kent and Sussex areas - Statutory Notice For Temporary Use Ban
What is happening?
To support the temporary use ban imposed by South East Water, Icosa Water also gives notice that, pursuant to sections 76 and 76A-C of the Water Industry Act 1991, and from the beginning of
26 June 2023 at 00:01 am, throughout the site it supplies within the Kent and Sussex areas of supply as listed below it prohibits the uses of potable water supplied by it (that is water treated to drinkable standards) set out below.
Those subject to the temporary use ban will be domestic customers of Icosa Water.
Activities covered by the temporary use ban include the following:
a) Watering a garden using a hosepipe
b) Cleaning a private motor-vehicle (or a trailer for such a vehicle) using a hosepipe
c) Watering plants on domestic or other non-commercial premises using a hosepipe
d) Cleaning a private leisure boat using a hosepipe
e) Filling or maintaining a domestic swimming or paddling pool
f) Drawing water, using a hosepipe, for domestic recreational use
g) Filling or maintaining a domestic pond (manmade or natural) using a hosepipe
h) Filling or maintaining an ornamental fountain (including a cascade or any other display of moving water, and includes filling by permanent plumbing)
i) Cleaning walls, or windows, of domestic premises using a hosepipe
j) Cleaning paths or patios using a hosepipe
k) Cleaning other artificial outdoor surfaces using a hosepipe
Examples of activities and individuals exempted from the restrictions can be found on or website:
Sites affected.
See PDF for affected sites.
Need to publish a public notice?
If you need to publish a public notice, please contact Sussex World directly at: