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St Hilda’s Church, Gibraltar Rd, Halifax HX1 4HE is to be declared closed for regular public worship

HX1 4HEPublished 09/03/23Expired
Halifax Courier • 

What is happening?

Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011

The Church Commissioners have prepared a draft Pastoral Scheme providing for St Hilda’s Church, Halifax in the diocese of Leeds to be declared closed for regular public worship. A copy may be inspected at St Hilda’s Church, online at
or obtained from the Commissioners. Large print and/or audio copies are available. You may make representations either for or against all or part of the draft Scheme in writing preferably by email to
or by post to Katie Lowe, Church Commissioners, Church House, Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3AZ to reach her by Tuesday 11 April 2023.. Where there are representations against the Scheme all representations received and relevant correspondence will be published on the Commissioners’ website. For details of this process see or phone
020 7898 1737.
The Church Commissioners are a registered charity (number 1140097)

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