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Alcohol & Licensing

Colne Road - Sex Establishment Licence

BB10 1LPPublished 10/03/23Expired
Burnley Express • 

What is proposed?

Local Government (miscellaneous provisions) Act 1982
Notice of Application for renewal of a
Sex Establishment Licence

To all persons whom it may concern Notice is hereby given that I Neil Andrew Slater of 116 Colne Road Burnley, on March 8 th 2023, applied to Burnley Borough Council, being the licensing authority for the purposes of Section 2 of the above Act, for the Renewal of a Licence to use the premises situated at 116 Colne Road, Burnley and known as the Private Shop as a Sex Establishment.
Any persons objecting to the application must give notice in writing of his/her objections to:-
The Council Officers at Parker Lane, Burnley, BB11 2DT stating in general terms the grounds of such objection, not later than 28 days after March 8 th 2023, being the date of the application.
Dated March 8 th 2023
Signed N.A.Slater
On behalf of Private Adult Shop

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