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Alcohol & Licensing

The Midcounties Co-operative Limited - Clifton Road - New Premises Licence

SG17 5AHPublished 15/11/24
Biggleswade Today • 

What is proposed?


NOTICE is hereby given that The Midcounties Co-
operative Limited has applied to Central Bedfordshire

Council on 7 November 2024 for the grant of a premises
licence at Midcounties Co-operative Food, 142 Clifton
Road, Shefford, SG17 5AH.
The application is to permit the sale of alcohol for
consumption off the premises between the hours of 07:00-
22:00 Monday to Sunday. Full details can be seen in the
application. Full details of the application may be viewed
by appointment at Central Bedfordshire Council, Licensing
Team, Thorn Turn, Grendall Lane, Houghton Regis, LU5
6GJ, Monday to Friday between normal office hours.
Please telephone 03003008307 to make an appointment or
Alternatively, you can view the application by visiting
Any person who wishes to make a representation about this
application should do so in writing to the above address or
by email no later than 5 December 2024 clearly stating the
grounds upon which the representation is made relevant to
the Licensing Act.
It is an offence, under section 158 of the Licensing Act
2003, to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in
connection with an application for a premises and this
carries a level 5 fine on being convicted of such an offence.

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