Deja Vu Restaurant Ltd, 5-7 Abington Avenue - Change to a Premises Licence
What is proposed?
Notice of variation to a premises licence under Section 34 Licensing Act 2003
Deja Vu Restaurant Ltd, 5-7 Abington Avenue Northampton NN1 4NY
It is proposed to vary the premises licence for the above premises to include the licensable activities of live music Sunday – Thursday 10.00 to 00.00 Friday-Sunday 10.00 to 01.30, Recorded Music Sunday- Friday 10.00 to 00.30 Friday - Sunday 10.00 to 02.30 and vary the hours for supply of alcohol on the premises Thursday to Friday 10.00 to 00.30 Friday to Sunday 10.00 to 02.30.
The hours for late night refreshment to remain as before.
The full application can be inspected by contacting the department below Representations can be made before 05/12/2024
In writing to : The Licensing Team West Northants Council Guildhall St Giles Square Northampton NN1 1DE Tel 03001267000
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction is
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