Wall Street, 9 Market Place - Change to Premises Licence
What is proposed?
Public Notice Licensing Act 2003
Application to Vary a Premises Licence
To whom it may concern: hereby give notice that
Stig Hospitality Ltd has applied to the Licensing
Authority at Wyre Council to vary the Premises
Licence At: Wall Street, 9 Market Place, Poulton le
Fylde FY6 7AS. The application is to: Extend the
hours relating to the sale of alcohol and Regulated
Entertainment on Fri & Sat from 01.00hrs-02.00hrs.
Any person wishing to make representations to this
application may do so by writing to the Licensing
Section, Wyre Council, Civic Centre, Breck Road,
Poulton-le-Fylde, FY6 7PU or email: licensing@
wyre.gov.uk. Representations received after the 5th
December 2024 will not be considered. A copy of
the application can be viewed at the licensing
authority’s address during normal office hours.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a
false statement in connection with this application,
the maximum fine on summary conviction being
Dated 14th November 2024
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