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Alcohol & Licensing

The Olderfleet Bar, 42 Fleet Street, Larne, Co Antrim BT40 1BA .

BT40 1BAPublished 14/11/24
Larne Times

What is proposed?



Notice is hereby given that application has been made to Mid and East Antrim Borough Council for the renewal of an Indoor & Outdoor Entertainment Licence for dancing, singing, music or other similar entertainment; machines or equipment for billiards, pool, snooker or other similar game; any public contest or display of boxing, wrestling, judo, karate, billiards, pool, snooker or other similar contest or display, in respect of premises known as The Olderfleet Bar situated at 42 Fleet Street, Larne, Co Antrim BT40 1BA.The name and address of the applicant is: Mr. Alex McNeill c/o The Olderfleet Bar, 42 Fleet Street, Larne, Co Antrim BT40 1BA .Any person wishing to make representation in relation to the application shall give notice to the Council, stating in general terms the nature of the representation, not later than 28 days after the date of application, which was 30/10/24

Dated this 6th day of November 2024

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