Craft Union Pub Company Ltd - Market Place - Change to Premises Licence
What is proposed?
Notice is hereby given that on 31/10/2024, Craft Union Pub
Company Ltd applied to Wakefield Council for a variation
to the Premises Licence in respect of premises The Junction
Inn, Market Place, Normanton, Wakefield, WF6 2AU.
The proposed variation is: To extend the timings for
regulated entertainment, and sale of alcohol; Add conditions
under the prevention of crime and disorder objective;
Amend an existing condition; Update the non-standard
timings. Any person wishing to make representations to
this application may do so by writing to Licensing
Office, Wakefield Council, Wakefield One, PO Box 700,
Burton Street, Wakefield, WF1 2EB or by email to no later than 28/11/2024
stating the grounds for representations. A copy of the full
application can be viewed by arrangement with the Lic-
ensing Authority at the above address. It is an offence
knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in conn-
ection with an application. The fine for which a person is
liable on summary conviction for the offence is unlimited.
Need to publish a public notice?
If you need to publish a public notice, please contact Wakefield Express directly at: