Hive Urban Farm Shops Ltd, 80-82 Church Street - Application for Premises Licence
What is proposed?
HIVE URBAN FARM SHOPS Ltd is applying for the new grant of a Premises Licence for:
HIVE Coffee Shop, 80-82 Church Street, Blackpool, FY1 1HP If granted the application will allow the following licensable activity / activities to take place:
Sale of Alcoholic Drinks for consumption on and off the premise
Any person wishing to make representations in relation to this application may do so in writing to: Post: Licensing Service, Blackpool Council, Municipal Buildings, PO Box 4, Blackpool, FY1 1NA. Fax: 01253 478372. Email:
Representations may be made for 28 consecutive days from the date of this notice. (Representations made after the grant of a provisional statement and before the grant of corresponding premises licence or club premises certificate may not be made if a person could have made the same representation or substantially the same representations but failed to do so without reasonable excuse; and there had been no material change in circumstances relating to the premises or area since the provisional statement was made).
A copy of the application for this licence is kept by the Licensing Authority at the above address, and can be viewed by appointment on Monday to Friday, tel: 01253 478572 IT IS AN OFFENCE, UNDER SECTION 158 OF THE LICENSING ACT 2003 TO MAKE A FALSE STATEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH THIS APPLICATION.
Date notice first displayed 17th October 2024
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