Krates Local, 13 Alexandra Terrace - Change to Premises Licence
What is proposed?
Notice of Application for a Premises Licence
Variation under Section 34 of the
Licensing Act 2003
Name of Applicant: Sangarapillai Kogulavarathan
Address of Premises: Krates Local, 13 Alexandra
Terrace, Northampton NN2 7SJ
It is proposed to vary the premises licence: To allow
the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises
from 00.00hrs to 24.00hrs Monday to Sunday (24
hours each day). (Current hours are from 05.00hrs
to 02.00hrs each day). The opening hours for the
premises to be the same as for the sale of alcohol.
The full application can be inspected by contacting
the department below. Representations can be
made before 29th July 2024 And IN WRITING to
the: The Licensing Team, West Northants Council,
Guildhall, St Giles Square, Northampton NN1 1DE
Tel: 0300 126 7000
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a
false statement in connection with an application
and the maximum fine for which a person is liable
on summary conviction for the offence is not
exceeding £5000.
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