Londis Camelsdale, 126 Camelsdale Road, Haslemere - New Premises Licence
What is proposed?
Licensing Application
Licensing Act 2003
Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Licensing Authority of Chichester District Council for the grant of a Premises Licence under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003. Name of the Applicant: Uthayasuba Balakantharajah
Postal Address of Premises: (or if no postal address, description of location and extent of the premises): Londis Camelsdale, 126 Camelsdale Road, Haslemere, West Sussex, GU27 3RJ.
Description of Application: Retail sale of alcohol (Off the Premises only) Daily 09:00 to 21:30.
A copy of the the statutory register may be inspected at the address shown below between the hours of 09:00 to 16:00 Monday to Friday or by visiting www.chichester.gov.uk
Any responsible authority or other person wishing to make representations on this matter must submit those representations on this matter to the Licensing Manager, Licensing Team, Growth & Place, Chichester District Council, East Pallant House, 1 East Pallant, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1TY or by email to licensing@chichester.gov.uk by no later than the end of the 9th July 2024.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application. A person is liable to an unlimited fine on conviction should such a false statement be made.
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