Baby Platinum 58 King Street - Application to Renew a Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence
What is proposed?
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provision)
Act 1982
Licensing of a Sex Establishment
Application to Renew a Sexual Entertainment
Venue Licence
We ABA Leisure (TWO) Limited of Baby Platinum 58 King Street, Wigan, WN1 1BT have applied to Wigan Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 for the renewal of a licence to use the premises referred to above as a Sex Establishment.
The application details may be inspected at the Licensing Section, Life Centre, College Avenue
Wigan, WN1 1NJ between the hours of 09.00am
and 04.30pm Monday to Friday inclusive.
Any person wishing to make representations about this application should submit them in writing to the Licensing Manager, Wigan Council, Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan, WN1 1YN during the period of 28 consecutive days starting with the day the application was lodged with the council, that day being the 18th June 2024.
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