Grangetown Post Office, 23 Stockton Terrace - New Premises Licence
What is proposed?
Anoksa Trading company Ltd have applied to
Sunderland City Council for a new premises licence
at Grangetown Post Office, 23 Stockton Terrace,
Sunderland SR2 9RN to sell alcohol (for
consumption off the premises) 0700-2300 hrs daily.
The register is kept at the Council Licensing
Section, City Hall, Plater Way, Sunderland, SR1
3AA. The application record may be inspected by
appointment during office hours at the Customer
Services Centre, City Hall. Any person may make
written representations regarding the application to
the Council or by email to licensing@sunderland. by 2/4/2024.
It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a
false statement in connection with an application
and the maximum fine for which a person is liable
on summary conviction for the offence is unlimited.
JL LICENSING 07909 511953
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