Hatters News - Chapel Street - New Premises Licence
What is proposed?
Licensing Act 2003 - Public Notice Of Application
I, Kuruparan Suppiah, give notice that I have applied to
Luton Borough Council for the grant of a new premises
licence at Hatters News, 22 Chapel Street, Luton, LU1 2SE
to; 1. Permit the sale and supply of alcohol 00:00-24:00
daily. 2. Permit the provision of late-night refreshment on
daily from 23:00hrs until 05:00hrs the following day. 3.
Permit the premises to be open 00:00-24:00 daily. Anyone
who wishes to make representations regarding this
application may do so in writing to: Licensing Service,
Luton Borough Council, Town Hall, George Street, Luton
LU1 2BQ or licensing@luton.gov.uk. Representations must
be received no later than 13th March 2024
The application or online register may be viewed between
10am and 4pm Monday to Friday at the above address or
council website.
It is an offence, liable on conviction to a fine up to Level 5
on the Standard Scale (unlimited), under Section 158 of The
Licensing Act 2003 to make a false statement in or in
connection with this application.
Dated 15th February 2024
Dadds Licensing Solicitors
office@dadds.co.uk 01277 631811
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