Public Notice Portal - Brought to you by Britain's Local News Media

About Us

The Public Notice Portal is owned and operated by the News Media Association, which represents the UK's best-known and most trusted publishers.

Newspapers and websites published by the association's members cover the length and breadth of the country and are read by almost 50 million people every month.

Many of our publications have served their communities for centuries and remain the most reliable source of verified news and information.

The portal has been created in partnership with Google and is the fastest and most effective way of finding out what is happening in YOUR neighbourhood.

About Us

The Public Notice Portal is owned and operated by the News Media Association, the voice of UK national, regional, and local newspapers in all their print and digital forms. NMA members include nearly 900 local and regional news titles which reach 40 million people across the length and breadth of the country each month.

Public Notice PortalNews Media Association